Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Mixed rules record:
NEW RECORD: Rand Park High School leaders set a new record in September 2008 in a time of 5 minutes and 15 seconds!
Previous record: Cornwall Hill College grade 11 2007 in a time of 5 minutes and 19 seconds set March 2007.

Boys rules record: King Edward VII School Prefects 2007/8 with a time of 5 minutes and 04 seconds set October 2007. WELL DONE!

St Stithians Girl's College grade 11's were not so lucky, however, when St. Andrew's School for Girls grade 11's broke their record with a time of 6 mins 41 seconds set September 2007. WELL DONE. This record was equalled by the St. Andrew's grade 11's of 2008!

The Spirit of Adventure Magaliesburg Assault Course has gained quite a reputation amongst its schools in the last few years with schools continually trying to claim the record for themselves.

Records are held in the following 3 catagories:

  • Boys' rules
  • Girls' rules
  • Mixed rules

The rules for each catagory are slightly different. Only when a change is made to the course do the records fall away and new records are established.


This record is only held by boys schools. It involves one lap of the longest track with one driver and 10 people pushing.

It has been held by St. Benedict's for a number of years now but they broke it again TWICE during the recent grade 11 camp. Just after them St. Stithians Boy's College grade 11's of 2007 managed to better them by only 1 second

The record now stands at: 1 minute 48 seconds - King Edward VII School prefects 2007/8


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