Thursday, December 22, 2005

Join us for a GAP year



Open water dive course - Sodwana 2007

Left to right:
Dave, Shaun, Rudi, Nic, Calvin, Isaac, Candice, Clair, Mary-Jean

Spirit of Adventure started its GAP year program in 2005. The idea behind it is to provide something fun AND worthwhile for matriculants who want to take a year off but see the value in making it beneficial. We need instructors to work at the centre and we have the resources, time and desire to make it an exceptional year for them.
We work with school students all year in an effort to develop them in many ways and it is equally important that the instructors be developed.

How do we do this and what can you expect?

We set up a number of very exciting excursions for the instructor group to go on during the year. Up till now these have been:

  1. A 3 day hike through the awesome Kgaswane Reserve near Rustenburg
  2. An open water 1 PADI dive course at Sodwana Bay
  3. A 5 day hike through the Umfolozi Game reserve with the "Big 5"
  4. A 5 day trip to the KZN Drakensberg with 4 days of paragliding
  5. A 5 day rafting and kayaking trip on the Tugela river in KZN

Of course you have to pay for these trips so thats where your parents come in. We try to get the best prices and experiences we can. The cost of the year includes board and lodging throughout the year as well as every expense associated with any of the trips from national park enty fees to food and transport.

The cost for 2009 has now been finalised at R23,200. While it is ideal for you to do all the trips on offer, we understand that finances can be a major issue. We don't want money to stop anyone from particpating so if the cost is a problem, please speak to me and we'll see what can be arranged. The payments are also staggered until September as each trip comes up so it is a bit easier to pay.

These trips are life enhancing experiences which you won't ever forget and also form a special bonding time for the instructor group. On top of this we do pay instructors a daily rate for the work they do.

You are also expected to follow a study program during the year which is done through any distance learning centre of your choice. This can be used to investigate what you are considering studying full time and gaining credits where possible or it might also show you what you don't want to study. At times the camp is quiet and there are few groups coming through so it is the perfect opportunity to study in the most beautiful surroundings. The idea is not to take on a heavy load or to make the year boring but it provides a tangible benefit to the year. The cost of the studies is not included in the year fee as it varies so much depending on the course you take and the institution you choose.

We do also arrange whatever impromptu trips we can whether it be an undergroud tour of a mine or a camp-out on top of the mountain.

Then of course the actual work. It is your responsibility to ensure that school students at the centre are safe and that they are learning. We will train you in all you need to know to be an instructor but your attitude is all important. It can be demanding work but you will see rewards not just in the students lives that you impact, but also in your own life. You have the opportunity everyday to develop yourself with skills and characteristics to make you a better person who is more prepared to succeed in life. It has been a huge pleasure to see this happen in the lives of many instructors.

While there is a serious side to camp life there is huge potential for fun and friendship and memories to last a lifetime.

We recognise that the instructors are the core of Spirit of Adventure and we thank them for their invaluable contribution to the center last year.

So how do you apply?

You can phone me to ask more about the year but I will want a copy of your basic C.V. which you can email to me ( or fax to me (0866 108 104). Then I will want you to spend some time in the camp experiencing the job so that you make an informed decision, and so that we can observe you interacting with students. Generally I like to do my presentation for your parents so that they have all the details and then once you have had a chance to think about wether you are willing to commit, we make a decision.

I know the end of the year is rapidly approaching so get in touch as soon as possible so that we can arrange your visit and you can relax about next year!

I can't wait to hear from you!


Spirit of Adventure

Instructors and staff 2008

On the rock: Michael, Nic, Jason and Jodie

Left to right: Dave, other Nic, Lara, Glen, Buti, other Jason and Carmen


Umfolozi hike June 2008