Friday, December 23, 2005


Spirit of Adventure Magaliesburg is probably best known for the work it does with schools from Gauteng and surrounding provinces. Having established a reputation for leadership training and team building in schools in Natal, we have had to work hard to establish the same reputation here. Judging by the list of schools who now use the camp regularly we have been successful.

Accommodation for learners is in the form of 4 large decks with tent walls and zinc roofs. Each can accommodate 28 learners on bunk beds with matresses supplied. The decks are arranged such that the camp can be divided in half providing separate sleeping and ablution areas for boys/girls.
Smaller groups can be accommodated in one half of the camp where sleeping and ablutions are still separated.
The kitchen area is 30 meters from both halves of, and overlooking the camp which also has 2 areas which are covered and electrified for theory and night activities.

Teachers are accommodated in between the 2 halves of the campsite, in up to 5 comfortably appointed wooden huts each sleeping 2 or 4. Teachers have separate ablutions with hot water. A separate lapa area is used as a "staff room" for teachers and instructors to eat and relax in.

Courses are specifically tailored to the needs of the school group attending.
Adventurous activities are merely a medium for learning. The activities are all designed to challenge by their nature, either mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. But most importantly each is used to highlight an area of learning through a review process.
Various age appropriate levels of theory on leadership and team work are offered. The activities and reviews are used to bring this theory to life in a practical way so that learners have real experience of how to put the theory into practice.
Specific activities may be requested but our experience has shown us what works best and where.

Instructors each have a team of approximately 10 learners which they lead from beginning to end. Instructors are trained to lead learners through all activities in safety while facilitating learning on an individual level. They are able to form relationships quickly in order to meet each individual on their level. They are also able to give valuable feadback on learners potentials.

As well as instructing groups of learners, the instructors participate in a GAP year program involving adventurous trips around South Africa and distance learning courses which add to their enjoyment of and benefits from the year. (see -Join us for a gap year- post)