Thursday, April 24, 2008

SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP 2008 - Provisional Program


Dear Parents and participants

Below is a provisional program for the Summer Adventure Camp 2008 for your interest. It may be subject to slight changes as the week progresses due to weather conditions.

Sunday 07/11/08
1600-1700 Parent drop-off
1700-1730 Welcome and occupy tents
1730-2000 Prepared supper
2000-2130 Night mission
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights

Monday 08/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-0900 Icebreakers
0900-1130 Rock climbing (Archae)
1130-1200 Rubber stamp orienteering
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1700 Abseil (Ballerina)

1700-2000 Campfire cooking – Beef potjie
2000-2130 Gold Bullion
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Tuesday 09/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-0930 Junior Assault Course
0930-1200 Rap jump (upstream)
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1600 Ropes course
1600-1700 Mast project

1700-1900 Campfire cooking – Pasta Bolognaise
1900-2130 Night climbing (Childs play)
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Wednesday 10/11/08
0730-0800 BREAKFAST
0800-1400 Rafting and kyaking (pack Lunch)
1400-1430 Free time
1430-1500 Snake pit
1500-1600 Craft hour
1600-1700 Assault course

1700-1900 Campfire cooking – Chicken potjie
1900-2130 Stalk the lantern and Bivvy
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Thursday 11/11/08
0600-0700 Pack up and return from bivvy
0700-0730 Shower time
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-1030 Survivor challenge
1030-1200 Mini Go-carting (V-ball courts)
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1700 Rock climbing (Plessey)

1700-1900 Campfire cooking – Braai packs
1900-2130 Fox and hound
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Friday 12/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-1030 Tactical paintball
1030-1200 The great stretcher race
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1700 Koppie hike(around river side and return over koppie) and bird I.D.

1700-1900 Prepared supper
1900-2130 Dodge ball competition
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Saturday 13/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-0930 Scavenger hunt
0930-1000 Pack up camp
1000-1100 Parent/guardian pick-up

1. Drop-off and pick-up times:
A reminder that drop-off is between 16h00 and 17h00 on Sunday 7th December, and pick-up is between 10h00 and 11h00 the following Saturday 13th December.
• If your child is being picked up on Saturday 13th December by someone other than the person who dropped him/her off, kindly inform us in advance so that we can ensure that your child goes home with the right person! The safety of your child is very important to us.
• If for some reason you are unable to drop-off or pick-up your child within the stated time frames, please let us know.
2. Tuck-shop:
The tuckshop will be opened each day for a short time for extra refreshments and snacks. In addition to this fruit and cooldrink will be made available at all times in-between meals. Participants also carry water with them at all times during the day in water bottles supplied by the camp.

We trust that your child(ren) will thoroughly enjoy their adventure with us! We are excited to meet them and spend the week with them.
Until December!
Oliver and Lenti Page


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