Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Welcome and Contact us

We now have a proper website. Please visit us at:

Welcome to our site.

I hope you find it interesting and please feel free to email us at the addresses below if we can help further.


Marketing: for prices, available dates and general information -
Lenti Page
Cell: +27 84 215 6383
Fax: 086 619 9760

Camp: Oliver Page
Cell: +27 82 410 7870

Friday, April 25, 2008


The Christmas holidays often pose a problem for parents who need to continue working while their children are at home.

Spirit of Adventure Magaliesburg is holding a
SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP 2008 for any learners from Grade 6 onwards who would enjoy getting out into the bush for an action packed week of adventure.

Parents can rest assured that their children are being constructively and happily occupied in the safety of the Spirit of Adventure environment, with a full program run by carefully trained instructors. A number of activities will be offered including:
* Rock climbing

* Abseiling/rap jumping
* Rafting
* Go-carting
* Ropes courses
* Paintball
* Bush camp outs and backwoods cooking
* Orienteering
* Beach volleyball tournaments
* Dodgeball tournaments
* Assualt course challenges
* Craft courses
...... and many more

Participants will sleep in separate boys and girls cabins and there will be 24 hour supervision by instructors.

DATES: Sunday 7th - Saturday 13th December 2008

TIMES: Arrive on Sunday by 17h00. Depart on Saturday by 10h00
PARENT DROP-OFF AND COLLECT: Parents must provide their own transport to and from the venue. Drop-off on Sunday 7th December is between 16h00 and 17h00, collection on Saturday 13th is between 10h00 and 11h00. If you unable to either drop off or collect your child between these times, please contact us to make alternate arrangements. We are situated 18kms south west of Rustenburg in the North West Province, approximately an hour and a half from Johannesburg and Pretoria. Maps will be provided on confirmation of booking or you can check out the set of directions on this website.
COST: R1400 includes all meals, accommodation and activities.

YES I'M INTERESTED, WHAT DO I DO NOW? You need to fill out an enrolment form and, after completing it, fax it to us at 086 619 9760. Please send us an email requesting the form and we will email you an attachment. All payment details will be in this form. A detailed packing list, a set of directions and all other relevant information will be emailed to you on confirmation of your booking.

For more information and bookings contact Lenti Page on 084 215 6383 or email her on


Numbers are limited so book early to avoid disappointment!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP 2008 - Provisional Program


Dear Parents and participants

Below is a provisional program for the Summer Adventure Camp 2008 for your interest. It may be subject to slight changes as the week progresses due to weather conditions.

Sunday 07/11/08
1600-1700 Parent drop-off
1700-1730 Welcome and occupy tents
1730-2000 Prepared supper
2000-2130 Night mission
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights

Monday 08/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-0900 Icebreakers
0900-1130 Rock climbing (Archae)
1130-1200 Rubber stamp orienteering
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1700 Abseil (Ballerina)

1700-2000 Campfire cooking – Beef potjie
2000-2130 Gold Bullion
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Tuesday 09/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-0930 Junior Assault Course
0930-1200 Rap jump (upstream)
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1600 Ropes course
1600-1700 Mast project

1700-1900 Campfire cooking – Pasta Bolognaise
1900-2130 Night climbing (Childs play)
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Wednesday 10/11/08
0730-0800 BREAKFAST
0800-1400 Rafting and kyaking (pack Lunch)
1400-1430 Free time
1430-1500 Snake pit
1500-1600 Craft hour
1600-1700 Assault course

1700-1900 Campfire cooking – Chicken potjie
1900-2130 Stalk the lantern and Bivvy
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Thursday 11/11/08
0600-0700 Pack up and return from bivvy
0700-0730 Shower time
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-1030 Survivor challenge
1030-1200 Mini Go-carting (V-ball courts)
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1700 Rock climbing (Plessey)

1700-1900 Campfire cooking – Braai packs
1900-2130 Fox and hound
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Friday 12/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-1030 Tactical paintball
1030-1200 The great stretcher race
1200-1300 Craft Hour
1300-1400 LUNCH
1400-1430 Free/river time
1430-1700 Koppie hike(around river side and return over koppie) and bird I.D.

1700-1900 Prepared supper
1900-2130 Dodge ball competition
2130- Hot chocolate, marshies and bed and lights out

Saturday 13/11/08
0730-0830 BREAKFAST
0830-0930 Scavenger hunt
0930-1000 Pack up camp
1000-1100 Parent/guardian pick-up

1. Drop-off and pick-up times:
A reminder that drop-off is between 16h00 and 17h00 on Sunday 7th December, and pick-up is between 10h00 and 11h00 the following Saturday 13th December.
• If your child is being picked up on Saturday 13th December by someone other than the person who dropped him/her off, kindly inform us in advance so that we can ensure that your child goes home with the right person! The safety of your child is very important to us.
• If for some reason you are unable to drop-off or pick-up your child within the stated time frames, please let us know.
2. Tuck-shop:
The tuckshop will be opened each day for a short time for extra refreshments and snacks. In addition to this fruit and cooldrink will be made available at all times in-between meals. Participants also carry water with them at all times during the day in water bottles supplied by the camp.

We trust that your child(ren) will thoroughly enjoy their adventure with us! We are excited to meet them and spend the week with them.
Until December!
Oliver and Lenti Page

Monday, December 26, 2005

Spirit of Adventure A brief description

Spirit of Adevnture Trust was started in 1994 by Andy Telfer in Durban, KwaZulu Natal. He was assisted by a board of trustees made up of leading educators and chaired by Dudley Forde, then the Rector of Michael House in Balgowan.

The aim was to provide relevant leadership, team and personal development training to school learners as well as corporates. Using adventurous activities in rustic outdoor settings, Andy was very successful in setting up programs which have changed the lives of tens of thousands of people of all ages.

The main point of difference with Spirit of Adventure is their ability to tailor a course specifically to the objectives and needs of individual groups.

In 1999 Andy saw the need to expand and began looking for a venue to provide the same quality experiences to schools and businesses in Gauteng and neighboring provinces. He found a beautiful piece of the Magaliesburg mountain range not far from Rustenburg in North-West Province and so Spirit of Adventure Magaliesburg was born.

Andy was still involved and based in Durban so he sent Oliver Page to establish the camp and programs which began running in January 2001.
Oliver had joined Spirit of Adventure in 1998 as in Instructor after working as a professional firefighter and paramedic in Durban. During his time with Spirit of Adventure in Durban, Oliver advanced to Senior Instructor and Chief Instructor before he moved to North-West. After successfully starting the camp and building it up to its present position over the last 5 years, Oliver was able to make it his own in 2005, when Andy decided to move on to further shores and new challenges.

Spirit of Adventure Magaliesburg is established on the farm Olifantspoort, privately owned since 1894 and the location of one of the most perfectly preserved kloofs in the Magaliesburg range.
The mountain provides a pituresque backdrop for the campsite which is nestled against its base. Although used for cattle, the farm is very natural and is home to a huge variety of wild animals. Sightings of Kudu and warthog are common while the leopards and hyena are more shy.

Weather in the area is quite predictable with hot, dry summer days, afternoon thunder showers and cool evenings. Winter is very cold at night, as low as -5-8 degrees, but the days are beautiful and almost always cloudless and sunny.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

A beautiful view of the camp

Beautiful view of the camp

Friday, December 23, 2005


Spirit of Adventure Magaliesburg is probably best known for the work it does with schools from Gauteng and surrounding provinces. Having established a reputation for leadership training and team building in schools in Natal, we have had to work hard to establish the same reputation here. Judging by the list of schools who now use the camp regularly we have been successful.

Accommodation for learners is in the form of 4 large decks with tent walls and zinc roofs. Each can accommodate 28 learners on bunk beds with matresses supplied. The decks are arranged such that the camp can be divided in half providing separate sleeping and ablution areas for boys/girls.
Smaller groups can be accommodated in one half of the camp where sleeping and ablutions are still separated.
The kitchen area is 30 meters from both halves of, and overlooking the camp which also has 2 areas which are covered and electrified for theory and night activities.

Teachers are accommodated in between the 2 halves of the campsite, in up to 5 comfortably appointed wooden huts each sleeping 2 or 4. Teachers have separate ablutions with hot water. A separate lapa area is used as a "staff room" for teachers and instructors to eat and relax in.

Courses are specifically tailored to the needs of the school group attending.
Adventurous activities are merely a medium for learning. The activities are all designed to challenge by their nature, either mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. But most importantly each is used to highlight an area of learning through a review process.
Various age appropriate levels of theory on leadership and team work are offered. The activities and reviews are used to bring this theory to life in a practical way so that learners have real experience of how to put the theory into practice.
Specific activities may be requested but our experience has shown us what works best and where.

Instructors each have a team of approximately 10 learners which they lead from beginning to end. Instructors are trained to lead learners through all activities in safety while facilitating learning on an individual level. They are able to form relationships quickly in order to meet each individual on their level. They are also able to give valuable feadback on learners potentials.

As well as instructing groups of learners, the instructors participate in a GAP year program involving adventurous trips around South Africa and distance learning courses which add to their enjoyment of and benefits from the year. (see -Join us for a gap year- post)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Join us for a GAP year



Open water dive course - Sodwana 2007

Left to right:
Dave, Shaun, Rudi, Nic, Calvin, Isaac, Candice, Clair, Mary-Jean

Spirit of Adventure started its GAP year program in 2005. The idea behind it is to provide something fun AND worthwhile for matriculants who want to take a year off but see the value in making it beneficial. We need instructors to work at the centre and we have the resources, time and desire to make it an exceptional year for them.
We work with school students all year in an effort to develop them in many ways and it is equally important that the instructors be developed.

How do we do this and what can you expect?

We set up a number of very exciting excursions for the instructor group to go on during the year. Up till now these have been:

  1. A 3 day hike through the awesome Kgaswane Reserve near Rustenburg
  2. An open water 1 PADI dive course at Sodwana Bay
  3. A 5 day hike through the Umfolozi Game reserve with the "Big 5"
  4. A 5 day trip to the KZN Drakensberg with 4 days of paragliding
  5. A 5 day rafting and kayaking trip on the Tugela river in KZN

Of course you have to pay for these trips so thats where your parents come in. We try to get the best prices and experiences we can. The cost of the year includes board and lodging throughout the year as well as every expense associated with any of the trips from national park enty fees to food and transport.

The cost for 2009 has now been finalised at R23,200. While it is ideal for you to do all the trips on offer, we understand that finances can be a major issue. We don't want money to stop anyone from particpating so if the cost is a problem, please speak to me and we'll see what can be arranged. The payments are also staggered until September as each trip comes up so it is a bit easier to pay.

These trips are life enhancing experiences which you won't ever forget and also form a special bonding time for the instructor group. On top of this we do pay instructors a daily rate for the work they do.

You are also expected to follow a study program during the year which is done through any distance learning centre of your choice. This can be used to investigate what you are considering studying full time and gaining credits where possible or it might also show you what you don't want to study. At times the camp is quiet and there are few groups coming through so it is the perfect opportunity to study in the most beautiful surroundings. The idea is not to take on a heavy load or to make the year boring but it provides a tangible benefit to the year. The cost of the studies is not included in the year fee as it varies so much depending on the course you take and the institution you choose.

We do also arrange whatever impromptu trips we can whether it be an undergroud tour of a mine or a camp-out on top of the mountain.

Then of course the actual work. It is your responsibility to ensure that school students at the centre are safe and that they are learning. We will train you in all you need to know to be an instructor but your attitude is all important. It can be demanding work but you will see rewards not just in the students lives that you impact, but also in your own life. You have the opportunity everyday to develop yourself with skills and characteristics to make you a better person who is more prepared to succeed in life. It has been a huge pleasure to see this happen in the lives of many instructors.

While there is a serious side to camp life there is huge potential for fun and friendship and memories to last a lifetime.

We recognise that the instructors are the core of Spirit of Adventure and we thank them for their invaluable contribution to the center last year.

So how do you apply?

You can phone me to ask more about the year but I will want a copy of your basic C.V. which you can email to me ( or fax to me (0866 108 104). Then I will want you to spend some time in the camp experiencing the job so that you make an informed decision, and so that we can observe you interacting with students. Generally I like to do my presentation for your parents so that they have all the details and then once you have had a chance to think about wether you are willing to commit, we make a decision.

I know the end of the year is rapidly approaching so get in touch as soon as possible so that we can arrange your visit and you can relax about next year!

I can't wait to hear from you!


Spirit of Adventure

Instructors and staff 2008

On the rock: Michael, Nic, Jason and Jodie

Left to right: Dave, other Nic, Lara, Glen, Buti, other Jason and Carmen


Umfolozi hike June 2008

Directions to camp


An Outdoor Centre using the medium of adventure to develop personal and interpersonal skills.


From Johannesburg:

  1. Take the 14th Ave off ramp from the N1 near Roodepoort, proceed onto the M47- Hendrik Potgieter- traveling away from the N1 and continue past the Hilfox Centre and Makro to the traffic light at the intersection with the N14/Krugersdorp Highway. (Sasol Garage on the corner) Proceed straight across the traffic light and follow the road to a T-Junction (Oaktree Zennex garage).
  2. Turn right at the T-Junction and keep in the right hand lane. The road
    will fork and you take the right hand lane towards Hekpoort.
  3. Follow the road for approximately 18km (through the mountains) and there
    will be a road to the left with a sign (R24)MAGALIESBURG.
  4. Turn left and continue to a T-junction (10 kms). (You will pass the Cyara YFC centre on the left and the Bekker Schools on your right)
  5. Turn right at the T-Junction onto the R24 (Rustenburg Road) and follow
    the road for about 34km.You will pass the Naauwpoort and Boons turns on your left.
  6. The entrance to the farm is on the right exactly 2 km past the Boons road still on the R24. There are power lines crossing the road and the entrance is marked by a brown and white information sign reading S.O.A Magaliesburg and the farm signboard –Olifantspoort – Family Retief. (please slow down when approaching as the entrance is on a slight rise and is obscure!)
  7. The code for the lock on the gate is 2627. Please close it behind you.
  8. Drive 1km into the farm to the camp entrance.

From Pretoria:

  1. Take the Krugersdorp Highway (N14) towards Krugersdorp and proceed to the traffic lights near Krugersdorp. (Sasol Garage)(Intersection of M47 and N14)
  2. Turn right at the traffic light and proceed to the T-junction (Oaktree Zennex Garage). Now follow as from point 2 above.

Alternative route from Pretoria:

  1. Take the N4 from Pretoria towards Rustenburg.
  2. After the third Toll Gate, turn left onto the Kroondal off ramp and then left away from the bridge. Proceed less than one kilometre and turn right toward the R24 (signboard reading Dinie Estates).
  3. At the next T-junction, turn left toward Magaliesburg.
  4. Proceed away from Rustenburg, on the R24.
  5. You will travel around Olifantsnek Dam and past the Derby turning on your right
  6. 4 kms past the Derby road on the R24 you will see the farm entrance on the left where power lines cross the road. The entrance is marked by a brown and white information sign reading S.O.A Magaliesburg and the farm signboard -Olifantspoort– Family Retief. (please slow down when approaching as the entrance is on a slight rise and is obscure!).
  7. The code for the lock on the gate is 2627. Please close it behind you.
  8. Drive 1km into the farm to the camp entrance.

Are you in any of our photos

Above and below: St. Dunstan's grade 9 2008

Trinityhouse Prep grade 7 leaders 2008

Bryanston Primary School Leaders 2008

St Thomas Aquinas Prefects 2008

Roedean school 2008

Redhill Prep grade 7 2008

King David HIgh School - Victory Park grade 10 2007

St Andrew's School for Girls
Assault course record holders


St. Stithians Girls' College - grade 11